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Is the use of Masks and Sanitizers enough to battle COVID?

Using the mask to cover and sanitizers are the new normal. COVID pandemic has drastically changed the lives of human beings. To control the spread of COVID further, the World Health Organization suggested the use of masks and sanitizers. Due to social distancing norms, people are avoiding any kind of physical contact with others. Lockdown is imposed and people are quarantined at their homes. They are only allowed to step out of their homes to buy medicines or groceries. But when they step out, they need to wear the face mask and use sanitizers. But will the use of mask & sanitizer helpful in minimizing the impact of COVID? Are people following

Hygenic practices while wearing, removing, and disposing them? Are there any disadvantages of using masks and sanitizers? These are some of the questions that need to be answered 

With the rapid spread of the pandemic, the sale of masks and sanitizers increased. The use of masks is effective and highly recommended during such a deadly pandemic. Wearing a mask will make you less vulnerable to COVID. The benefits of wearing a mask are clearly visible. You have to protect yourself and others. The COVID virus is contagious and spreads rapidly from a person to person. Wearing a mask will make sure you and other people are around will not get exposed to the virus. Health experts and medical professionals have recommended the regular use of masks. According to experts “People should go out everytime wearing masks and follow the social distancing norms.” Masks restrict the entry of any bacteria and germs and also acts as a physical barrier to protect you and others from viral and bacterial particulates. But some people are careless. They go out without wearing a mask and put their life and others in danger by unknowingly infecting others by spreading germs, coughing or touching others. 

You know you need to keep your hands clean. As much as your hands serve you, they also put germs in contact with your mouth, eyes, nose, and many other parts of your body. We hope you’re already washing your hands with soap and warm water multiple times a day, as that is the best way to clean them, but another worthy alternative is hand sanitizer. If you haven’t already made this germ-fighter a staple on your shopping list, you may want to do so after learning about the benefits of hand sanitizer.

Washing your hands regularly might kill the germs and microorganisms. But, to quickly kill them, Health experts have recommended the regular use of sanitizers. If soap and water are not available use a sanitizer. A sanitizer is a gel that contains alcohol and effectively kills all the bacteria and germs present on the skin. 

If you don’t have access to soap and water, hand sanitizer is a good temporary stand-in. Make sure you use one that has at least 60 percent alcohol. The use of mask and sanitizers is recommended. So, using this will benefit you as well the people around you. Take precautions and contribute in controlling the spread of the virus.

Yukti Kumar @ Samacharline