JCCJ President Amit Ajit Jogi has tweeted that he said that the statement of Health Minister of Chhattisgarh Government T.Singh Dev that ICMR has not given permission for plasma therapy is beyond comprehension. Research conducted in the affected COVID19 patients is published in English language, which no one knows better than them in Chhattisgarh.
Amit Jogi reported that according to this research by ICMR, there is no significant difference in the recovery rate (85–86%) in plasma therapy and in patients with normal treatment. The upside in the research is that “there is no adverse effect of plasma therapy. There is no response and this has provided evidence to relieve patients from fatigue and shortness of breath “(there is no adverse reaction of plasma therapy and it did provide certain mild reliefs.CPT helped in alleviating fatigue and shortness of breath) .
Amit Jogi said that it is not at all logical to deny rate of corona patients of Chhattisgarh from this treatment especially when the father of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, the most VVIP patient of the state, is also being treated with plasma. Jogi said that I hope that the Health Minister will change his stand on rate of plasmatherapy and will be pleased to issue an immediate order to implement it in all the treatment centers in Chhattisgarh. Because a single irresponsible statement of his would kill thousands of lives.