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Karma?? What does it mean to have a good or a bad karma?? How can these Karmas be achieved?
Karma does not fit in the definition of any supernatural activity but it’s the philosophy that God is not responsible for happiness or sadness , poverty or richness, good fortune or bad fortune; It is we as individuals who are responsible for consequences of our behaviour, our fortunes and our deeds.Laws of Karma correctly states that “what goes around comes around”. It is the deciding factor of our after life .What we have done in this life,will be reflected in our after birth.If we have good deeds,our position in next life will be in good position and if we have done some evil deeds,our position will be bad or even worse.
There is no menu in Karma …you will be served what you deserve.
If a man change himself and start doing good deeds,even if he had darkest karma .Then also his karma could express itself in symbolic ways and though it will be counted in bad karma ,it may improve his future life.
You will never understand the damage you did to someone until you didn’t suffer that – karma
Try not to fill your life’s packet with bad karma but instead overload with good karma.Do good to someone effortlessly and you will definitely get it’s sweet fruit.
Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma phaleshu kada chanayMa karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani.
In simple terms it means: Keep on performing your duties without being attached to results of your actions.Either you get something or you don’t get anything ,you should not worry about it.You should have a neutral behaviour. You should just flow with the river of life!
– Astha Rajlaxmi